Theoretical physics digest Wiki

The fact that different frequency modes of an electromagnetic wave traveling through a plasma medium, propagate at different group velocities, creates a dispersion that enables us to calculate the distance of different astrophysical sources. Imagine, for instance, a pulsar at a distance from earth. The time it takes for a pulse with frequency to get to earth is:

where is a path element along the line of sight and is the group velocity for a wave with frequency . The plasma frequency in the ISM is very low (about Hz) so we can safely assume for practical purposes. We can then use the plasma dispersion relation


which leads to:

and plugging into :

The first term is just the time it would take the signal to travel the same distance in a vacum. The second term is the correction for plasma, which is frequency dependent. In practice, one measures the difference in arrival time as a function of frequency . Plugging this is:

where is known as the dispersion measure of the plasma and is the classical electron radius. Finally, if the density of the plasma is known, one can estimate the distance to the pulsar by measuring .
